Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Bible on History Channel

Totally amazed at how many "Conservatives" promoted this mini-series on History Channel ["The Bible"] and are totally mum afterwards with no critical analysis to be found. I can only surmise that these 'Conservatives" want to be "liked" by the Hollywood producers, thus having an "in" with them for future projects. Now there is a cynical way to look at this, as these "Conservatives" are just looking for the monetary gain available, or they are playing Conservative "taquiya". They are just lying to get a foot in the door and will try to affect change that way? Time will only tell, personally I think they are looking for the money and the "Conservative Movement" is just a means to the end. So I will give my two cents with a very critical view of this "Epic mini-series" From the start, with Noah on the Arc - the Arc is leaking like a sieve - doubtful that God would give Noah plans for a boat that leaks like a sieve. Then to Abraham - when he speaks to God he looks like a mentally disturbed person ranting & trembling - this looks like directorial discretion with an agenda - also Abraham & Sarah & tribe are shown as very dirty, dirty faces etc. - I know this is before mosaic laws, but nobody had a wash cloth? Hagar is shown with a Squeaky Fromme (Charles Manson Family cult member) upside down cross on her forehead between the eyes??? I googled "forehead markings" and "ancient Jews" and couldn’t get anything, Hindus, yes, English branding people on forehead, yes, but nothing for Jews, although we know Hagar was an Arab? It seems that Sarah also had some kind of marking on her forehead as well, or it might have been the dirt? So the Hollywood editorial staging seems bizarre! Next to the Sodom story - the story shown in the "mini-series" has LITTLE resemblance to the Bible story! Starting with the two angels shown as a Black guy & and Asian guy - I guess we need multi-cultural Angels in this era - and the third being, historically referred to as God in Biblical analysis - is shown as a ghoul-like being with a sunken shadowy face, more like someone of the walking dead! Hardly how any Christian would portray God, or Jesus as some biblical scholars surmise it could be. Sodom, as it has been handed down in history and preserved in the current word as sodomy, was a place of immorality and degenerate sexual activity was a large piece of the immorality as well as homosexual sexual practice. [As an aside, a Liberal informed me, that it was not the homosexual sexual activity that caused the immorality, it was that people were raping people in Sodom - believe what you may at your own peril] The mini-series takes a stroll through Sodom and they show men and women making out in the alleys, circus type performers spraying fire from their mouth and dressed up like a fat man at the freak show. A purely tamed down Hollywood version that seemed very phony. In the abridged REAL Bible story Lot invites the strangers (angels) to stay in his house, then the MEN of the city come and demand that Lot hand over the men to them, so that they "CAN HAVE SEX WITH THEM". Somehow this didn't make the Hollywood version? Hmmmmm? I wonder why? I actually watched the first run of the "mini-series" and happened to stumble across it the next night. On the second viewing I put on the mute function, with closed captioning instead, so I would not miss a word said in any cross talk or background noise. So there is no doubt that Hollywood left out the Biblical dialogue “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” Now, its only two sentences, there was clearly the time available and the scene was there. Hollywood changed the story to having the two "minority" angels running down the street after being beaten up by the townspeople, to then receive assistance and shelter from Lot. Lot tried to fend off the townspeople and the angel came out, looked to heaven, and the threatening townspeople were struck blind but were also disfigured, their eyes were ripped out (not really in the bible story-more Hollywood). Then the Angels turned into Arnold Schwarzenegger and went through the town slaughtering people with swords, again not in the biblical account. So any skeptical view would say that Hollywood cleaned out all gay references in accordance with their agenda and made it look more like the evil prominent population beat up minorities and were punished, which is inline with the teachings of Jeremiah Wright and Obama's political practices (punish your enemies). So totally phony Hollywood claptrap. Then on to the next phoniness, funniness - Pharaoh looked like a mean white guy, basically Mitt Romney without hair (pharaoh was bald) and had a British Colonialist accent! Funny how these Egyptians have British accents? Then to the older Moses, who, keeping in the Charles Manson Family Cult theme, looked like Charlie Manson? When the waters were turned to blood while pharaoh was swimming, he got out, dried himself off and screamed "MOSES" reminiscent of Capt. Kirk screaming "KHAN"! When the Jews left Egypt and went through the parted Red Sea, followed by "Pharaoh, his Chariots, and Charioteers", somehow in the Hollywood version, they all dismounted and ran after the Jews in the parted waters. I guess PETA got to them and didn't want to have any views of drowned horses - again bizarre editorial directions by the Hollywood crowd. Also, having Charlie Manson part the Red Sea is a far cry form Charleton Heston - truly bizarre and a let down for this generation. I guess I'll watch the next segment and comment with my skeptical eye, but I am truly disturbed that there are so many "Conservatives" fawning over this claptrap!


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