Friday, September 18, 2009

Response on Sons of Anarchy Fan Forum to an uninformed poster

A poster was offended by the use of the n-word on the show. Another poster said our troops have fought and are fighting and dying to protect our free speech rights. She then lambasted him and said we are fighting because of September 11th. My response is below.

Replying to:

damn* boards isn't posting this right so lets try this agani. I don't offend easy but hearing the word nigge* is UNCOMFORTABLE no matter how you slice it... I guess you won't get it unless your well BLACK and been called a nigge* you can understand that.. you can't explain to the blind how it feels to see. I don't see if you rather not hear that word you shouldn't watch this show... that is BS and a cop out. Also if the word nigge* isn't seen to be inappropiate me calling you a douche nozzle shouldn't upset you at all.. People died in a war to protect me from calling you a bloodly douche nozzle.
Posted by hellrazor666

You keep bumping this post looking for someone to bite - so OK I'll take the bait. You call the guy ignorant and uniformed and stupid because he said our Armed Forces are fighting to maintain our freedoms as outlined in the US Constitution - You say - Oh, they are fighting because of Sept 11. You are really the ignorant one here - now ignorant doesn't mean stupid - it just means uninformed - I would hope this could be a teachable moment here - the Freedom of Speech as outlined in our Constitution is not meant to be for polite speech - think about it - why would you need to protect polite speech - who would object to polite speech that doesn't make anyone uncomfortable - the reason we have freedom of speech is to protect speech that is on the edge - that is not polite - that is not comfortable - that may not be viewed as acceptable in certain circles. Now the remedy to the speech that you hear that is not acceptable to you is MORE FREE SPEECH. Use your free speech to persuade people, to make your point, to expand the conversation to win people over to your side.


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