Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comments left on the Sons of Anarchy Fan Forum - Liberal Bias Again!!!

Below is a repsonse to a Sons of Anarchy Fan Forum posting. The subject of the posting is "Keep Politics out of the Show". I had left other comments there, below
is the latest in response to one of the Lib's responses.

Replying to:

You say you don't want guns in the hands of urban street gangs? Who does? You just don't mention that you have a compound in Idaho with everything from machine pistols to rocket launchers stockpiled. Zobelle is a very smart very cunning, very manipulative character and will do and say anything he has to in order to increase his power base. He knows just what to say to make him sound like a reasonable responsible citizen. I think the producer has done a good job of showing that his conservative views are a front for his actual agenda.
Posted by RonAtWork

I don't know how you come to your delusional conclusions. They never mentioned that they don't "want guns in the hands of urban street gangs". They told SAMCRO to stop selling guns to "niggers" and "SPICS" - their words - not mine - but in a demented Liberal fantasy world this translates into keeping guns out of the hands of street gangs and gives them some kind of credibility - oh, I see, they are just community organizers - ACORN Aryan Nation Extension.

This thread is about the fact that these writers and producers are doing the same thing to Conservatives and Christians that the rest of Hollywierd does - conflates them with NAZI's (oh let me decode the acronym for the public school folks NAZI = National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Now since Socialist/Fascists desire that the Government control all methods of commerce in the country and Conservatives want the Government to get out of the way and do the limited number of things enumerated in the Constitution, this conflation does not work or make any sense.

What does make sense, when digging a little further, is putting Henry Rollins in the role of the nazi. I searched about him on the web and he actually has his own "show" at I watched a few of his rants and it is the same story - Christians are responsible for young people getting aids, blah blah blah. So he is the perfect vessel to deliver the conflation material on a weekly basis - I'm sure he is salivating to get the next script and probably adds his own propaganda to it. He is probably the one that prompted the directors to start the rape scene of Gemma by panning from a Crucifix hanging on the wall. Or maybe he told the guy to say - "it's someone from my Church" when he was on the phone with the Mayans???? I may give this one or two episodes more, but at this point I'm close to letting it pass and finding something better to do with my time.


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