Sunday, September 13, 2009

History Channel - The Dark Ages - Again Liberal Spin from Hollywood

I left some comments on the - The Dark Ages discussion forum board.
I guess it was originally aired in 2007, because the comments were left then.
Wanted to leave them below for the record:

> What bothered me was that the show made it look
> like Pope Urban called the First Crusade on a whim
> to use up excess Western military muscle - there was no
> mention at all that the Byzantine Empire was under
> Muslim attack and had asked the Pope for help. It is
> another case of the media changing history out of fear of
> offending Muslims.

I'm reviving this discussion because I watched this today. I had the exact same reaction. The Christian's had a bunch of surplus soldiers hanging around, so they just sent them to the middle east to kill muslims. What a farce and truly disturbing. No mention that part of the Crusades stemmed from the muslims (religion of peace) taking hostages of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. A real story to be told is the muslim imperialism and their expansionism, slaughter, and conversion by the sword. The muslim exploits make the crusades look like a weekend at Bernie's. Think of this - how does an African get an Arabic name like Barack Hussein Obama???? I guess it was Muslim Imperialism??? So since the left is so infuriated with imperialism - notably non-existent US imperialism - shouldn't the President drop his illegitimate name and change it to Barry X as a sign of solidarity with victims of imperialism worldwide???? Oh - just words.


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