Friday, September 18, 2009

Response on Sons of Anarchy Fan Forum to an uninformed poster

A poster was offended by the use of the n-word on the show. Another poster said our troops have fought and are fighting and dying to protect our free speech rights. She then lambasted him and said we are fighting because of September 11th. My response is below.

Replying to:

damn* boards isn't posting this right so lets try this agani. I don't offend easy but hearing the word nigge* is UNCOMFORTABLE no matter how you slice it... I guess you won't get it unless your well BLACK and been called a nigge* you can understand that.. you can't explain to the blind how it feels to see. I don't see if you rather not hear that word you shouldn't watch this show... that is BS and a cop out. Also if the word nigge* isn't seen to be inappropiate me calling you a douche nozzle shouldn't upset you at all.. People died in a war to protect me from calling you a bloodly douche nozzle.
Posted by hellrazor666

You keep bumping this post looking for someone to bite - so OK I'll take the bait. You call the guy ignorant and uniformed and stupid because he said our Armed Forces are fighting to maintain our freedoms as outlined in the US Constitution - You say - Oh, they are fighting because of Sept 11. You are really the ignorant one here - now ignorant doesn't mean stupid - it just means uninformed - I would hope this could be a teachable moment here - the Freedom of Speech as outlined in our Constitution is not meant to be for polite speech - think about it - why would you need to protect polite speech - who would object to polite speech that doesn't make anyone uncomfortable - the reason we have freedom of speech is to protect speech that is on the edge - that is not polite - that is not comfortable - that may not be viewed as acceptable in certain circles. Now the remedy to the speech that you hear that is not acceptable to you is MORE FREE SPEECH. Use your free speech to persuade people, to make your point, to expand the conversation to win people over to your side.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comments left on the Sons of Anarchy Fan Forum - Liberal Bias Again!!!

Below is a repsonse to a Sons of Anarchy Fan Forum posting. The subject of the posting is "Keep Politics out of the Show". I had left other comments there, below
is the latest in response to one of the Lib's responses.

Replying to:

You say you don't want guns in the hands of urban street gangs? Who does? You just don't mention that you have a compound in Idaho with everything from machine pistols to rocket launchers stockpiled. Zobelle is a very smart very cunning, very manipulative character and will do and say anything he has to in order to increase his power base. He knows just what to say to make him sound like a reasonable responsible citizen. I think the producer has done a good job of showing that his conservative views are a front for his actual agenda.
Posted by RonAtWork

I don't know how you come to your delusional conclusions. They never mentioned that they don't "want guns in the hands of urban street gangs". They told SAMCRO to stop selling guns to "niggers" and "SPICS" - their words - not mine - but in a demented Liberal fantasy world this translates into keeping guns out of the hands of street gangs and gives them some kind of credibility - oh, I see, they are just community organizers - ACORN Aryan Nation Extension.

This thread is about the fact that these writers and producers are doing the same thing to Conservatives and Christians that the rest of Hollywierd does - conflates them with NAZI's (oh let me decode the acronym for the public school folks NAZI = National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Now since Socialist/Fascists desire that the Government control all methods of commerce in the country and Conservatives want the Government to get out of the way and do the limited number of things enumerated in the Constitution, this conflation does not work or make any sense.

What does make sense, when digging a little further, is putting Henry Rollins in the role of the nazi. I searched about him on the web and he actually has his own "show" at I watched a few of his rants and it is the same story - Christians are responsible for young people getting aids, blah blah blah. So he is the perfect vessel to deliver the conflation material on a weekly basis - I'm sure he is salivating to get the next script and probably adds his own propaganda to it. He is probably the one that prompted the directors to start the rape scene of Gemma by panning from a Crucifix hanging on the wall. Or maybe he told the guy to say - "it's someone from my Church" when he was on the phone with the Mayans???? I may give this one or two episodes more, but at this point I'm close to letting it pass and finding something better to do with my time.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Response to Rush on a Conservative Charismatic Leader


I think you are missing the point.

Conservatives DO need a charismatic leader.

The problem is that the base, the silent majority,
has an opinion on issues and is constantly being
undermined by so called Conservative leaders.

I see the biggest obstacle to the Conservative Movement
is the lack of a suitable leader. With all due respect,
you are not an example of a leader to be admired.
Single guy, derides marriage and women constantly, past
personal problems. The same thing goes for other strong
Conservative voices: Hannity - under-educated, minimal
intellectual firepower. Ingraham - can't find a man, acts
like a liberal and becomes a single mom. Beck - whacko,
recovering addict, cries constantly. O'Reilly - says that
Bobby Kennedy is his political hero - enough said. Coulter -
again can't find a man to settle down with and dates Bill Maher???
You guys/gals do not portray a picture that backs up the
Conservative message that you espouse daily on your shows/columns.

Of course the one guy that was and is acceptable was excoriated
by the main stream cabal - including Rush - because, as a Bush
Official said: "Who would vote for a guy with the name Huckabee"?

He fits all the criteria, but is unacceptable because he paved
the roads in Arkansas with government money. I thought that was
one of the limited areas that government was supposed to control??

So unless you guys can get behind the right kind of people who
have the correct background and also have a Conservative
lifestyle that they show on their sleeves, we will not gain traction.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

History Channel - The Dark Ages - Again Liberal Spin from Hollywood

I left some comments on the - The Dark Ages discussion forum board.
I guess it was originally aired in 2007, because the comments were left then.
Wanted to leave them below for the record:

> What bothered me was that the show made it look
> like Pope Urban called the First Crusade on a whim
> to use up excess Western military muscle - there was no
> mention at all that the Byzantine Empire was under
> Muslim attack and had asked the Pope for help. It is
> another case of the media changing history out of fear of
> offending Muslims.

I'm reviving this discussion because I watched this today. I had the exact same reaction. The Christian's had a bunch of surplus soldiers hanging around, so they just sent them to the middle east to kill muslims. What a farce and truly disturbing. No mention that part of the Crusades stemmed from the muslims (religion of peace) taking hostages of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. A real story to be told is the muslim imperialism and their expansionism, slaughter, and conversion by the sword. The muslim exploits make the crusades look like a weekend at Bernie's. Think of this - how does an African get an Arabic name like Barack Hussein Obama???? I guess it was Muslim Imperialism??? So since the left is so infuriated with imperialism - notably non-existent US imperialism - shouldn't the President drop his illegitimate name and change it to Barry X as a sign of solidarity with victims of imperialism worldwide???? Oh - just words.

Sons of Anarchy - Liberal Bias in Hollywood - For Shame

I left some comments on the Sons of Anarchy discussion forum board.
Wanted to leave them below for the record:

Replying to:

Kurt has blogged against McCain, so it's pretty clear where he stands on the issue. Zobel's mention of "black radicals" running this country is clearly a reference to our current President. And if that's Kurt's way of taking a swipe at the wingnuts currently running around screaming for birth certificates and carrying guns to townhall meetings, then good for him, because they certainly need a swipe.
Posted by BebeLush

Yes Yes - Please pee on my leg and tell me it is raining outside. As for birth certificates - why is there no intellectual or journalistic curiosity as to our President releasing his long form birth certificate??? Boy they sure wanted George Bush's military records, they held a hearing about John McCain being born in the Panama Canal Zone. Some how they have no interest in this President although Hawaiian Government officials have said publicly that the Certificate of Live Birth that is shown by the President would not be allowable evidence to obtain services in Hawaii. But somehow it is acceptable to meet the US Constitutional requirements for natural born citizenship. If the President has a Long Form Birth Certificate that he can release, then how cynical a move is it for him to hold it back and make thousands of American Citizens worry for no reason. He ran on a platform of purity and transparency and the most ethical administration ever. Then the President assigns Czars that are self-avowed Communists and Czarsthat think that animals should have court appointed Lawyers. As far as citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights under the Second Amendment and bearing arms in accordance with all existing laws, what do you have a problem with that???? There was a Black US Citizen at a townhall meeting with an AR15. Somehow MSNBC or CNN (basically the same thing) took a picture of the guy from the waist down and said that there are WHITE people showing up at town hall meetings with guns. Do you ever wonder why the ratings of these "NEWS" outlets are in the tank??? Basically if Sons of Anarchy continues with this conflation of White Aryan "Separatists" with Right Wing Conservative US Taxpayers, I will practice my market force and turn them off with my remote control. They will go
the same way as the NY Times, LA Times, etc and wither on the vine.